Modern Day Pin-up

I read a headline that sparked my interest the other day. The magazine Esquire had named their new Sexiest Woman Alive for this year. And I had never heard of her. After reading up on her, I know I'll never forget her. Although I haven't seen the show she is in (Mad Men), I now want to. I am amazed to announce that Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive is Christina Hendricks, a modern day pin-up.
After looking through her profile on IMDB, I am in love. This woman is curvy, voluptuous, and topped with a healthy self-esteem that most of her anorexic coworkers would probably kill for. Hallelujah. It is beyond refreshing (down right invigorating) to see a REAL woman who is not apologizing for her size and curves. AND seeing men notice how incredibly irresistibly sexy she is. I applaud her. She has given this curvy girl a little boost of hope that this society can still appreciate something natural over plastic.


Monique said…
I love the show, Mad Men. It totally sucks you in to how things were in the 50's. You might enjoy it as well. Get the first season on Netflix.

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