Wedding Blog 9: 9 to 9

Jan 08, 2009 09:37 AM
9 to 9
It's 9 days until my wedding and this is my 9th blog post on my wedding website. Yesterday was a very good day.
1. I got my hair cut. Something much needed. Scraggly ends + being a bride = ewww.
2. I got some decor for the reception. More paper lanterns. So cute.
3. I bought a table cloth for the ceremony "alter" table.
4. I found out one of my best friends got engaged!! It's in the air.
5. I got my new phone!!! Yay for technology that works.
6. I got a full night of sleep and it felt GREAT.
7. I got some help at work from Kat...Wyoming is kickin my butt.
8. I got to bed at a reasonable hour.
9. I heard from the bridal dress should be in TOMORROW. I felt a literal load of bricks fall off my shoulders when I heard this. RELIEF!!

I think those are 9 realistic reasons to be glad. :)


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