How'd that happen?

My wonderful husband picked me up some Claritin at the store after my mom recommended it. And wow. This stuff ROCKS!! I could actually breathe last night and didn't even wake myself up gasping for air ONCE last night. It was freaking sweet.
One of my many with-child friends just had her second baby yesterday morning. I swear, babies are just popping up all around me. Er...popping out I should say. He was 9 pounds 11 ounces! Crazy talk. Every baby that's been born lately has been HUGE. Maybe it's this North Carolinian water. Or the mass amounts of sweet tea. I keep getting questioned about when I plan on popping out a few children of my own. I have to kindly remind people that:
1. I have only been married for a little over a year...and
B. John was gone for 7 months of that year. Nuff said there...and
III. I'm only 24! Babies will wait.
And the more I hear about child labor, the more it terrifies me. Before it used to be all bunny rabbits and fields of daisies (I mean I knew it was horrible and painful get past that right?) But now I'm hearing all the gory details and sometimes I wonder if I'd do better if I just didn't know.
Clothing update: I went to the exchange on Sunday with John to look at clothes. After being completely defeated by their (absolutely unmaneuverable with a cart, by the way) racks of endless 0-3 sized clothing and trying on over 12 things that didn't fit, we left and went to Ross. I found a few tops and bottoms...that fit...and I liked...FINALLY!! I looked at Target last night with Monique and didn't find too much which was surprising as I usually find a lot at Target. But it wasn't a complete loss. I'm just tired of the same thing over and over again...and if it's not just boring clothes, they simply don't have my size or don't fit. Evil clothing. I should just join a nudist colony. Ewwww...more like an underwear colony. I'd love to walk around in underwear all the time. Like Lady Gaga...hmmm...