Squatty Potty

Translate THAT, dream readers! Note: I do not believe in dreams having real meanings. Hence dreams like these. My brand of dreams disproves the possibility that dreams could have "meanings". Most often I can see where the dream originated from (conversations, something I read, art, thoughts, food, etc.) regardless. Furthermore, if dreams did have meanings, I'd be screwed a few years ago because every night my dreams were violent.
I truly have some of the most random dreams and I usually remember them (something that never ceases to amaze my mom who never remembers her dreams). A lot of times I completely forget them until the following night. My face hits the pillow and it's like all the memories from dreaming the night before return briefly. It's weird. And interesting.
Very little creatively has happened this week. I've still been battling this cold and at this point I'm mostly over it but I almost feel like I have allergies. Which I don't. So it's still kind of lingering.
It's Friday. I am soooo happy. I seriously need some time to breathe (and look for clothes that fit)...if only my nose would clear completely.
Oh yeah! I just remembered another part of my dream. It stemmed off of me asking John what he'd think of me as a blonde. I dreamt I went completely gray (at age 24) and so I sat down with John and he agreed I should start dying my hair and I was freaking out saying "You know what this means right? I'm going to have to dye my hair monthly and get it professionally done all the time which costs money!" I was wigging out and it was all very random. I do not get my hair done or even cut very often. I want to start getting it cut more regularly just because I hate the scraggly feeling when you've been too long without a haircut. But getting it colored regularly...just not at that point yet (not sure if I'll ever get there)...
Note: I've been finding more and more and more gray hairs. In real life. What the HECK?? I'm 24!! I know stress brings on graying hair and going through a deployment is stressful but come ON.
And honestly I always found pants a lot easier than a skirt. It was always hard to keep a hold of a skirt....you'll just have to take a trip there someday with me so you know what I mean. Mwahaha...ehem...to CHINA...not to the bathroom.