Wedding Blog 7: Break Down
Nov 21, 2008 12:03 PM
Break Down
I made my first purchase toward wedding decor yesterday. After a slight emotional break down (ok...a full blown break down) I got input from my coworker/friend and I just knew I needed to hurry up and commit to a direction in starting to get items for my decor. So we brainstormed and came up with an aisle design I like and that won't break the bank...two things I'm very cool with. ;)
Break Down
I made my first purchase toward wedding decor yesterday. After a slight emotional break down (ok...a full blown break down) I got input from my coworker/friend and I just knew I needed to hurry up and commit to a direction in starting to get items for my decor. So we brainstormed and came up with an aisle design I like and that won't break the bank...two things I'm very cool with. ;)
My first purchase was paper lanterns. It's amazing how much better I felt after getting those. I just needed to get STARTED and then all (ok...MOST) of the stress went away. has officially begun.