Ear Tourists

I dreamt I went back to China. And John was with me. But China had changed and not in a good way. They had severely cracked down on the country and people were getting arrested and simply disappearing left and right. All the developing had ceased. I realized to my horror that we had forgotten to get tourist visas. But had somehow entered the country regardless. And you can't get into China without some form of visa. There was another form of security that foreigners (non-Chinese people) had to have. It was basically a written word in Hebrew that you had written on your skin behind your ear. (I have NO idea...so don't ask.) I could have told you the word when I first woke up but can't remember anymore. A friend of mine was there and she asked me to write the word behind her ear for her. I kept trying and kept getting it wrong. And then I realized it wasn't Hebrew at all. It was Chinese characters. But it was still spoken/read in Hebrew. My other friend Jenna was there and she had a computer that could convert physical money of any currency into traveler's checks.
And then I woke up. But the entire dream was stressful because we were sure we were going to be caught for not having the word behind our ear or the tourist visas. I believe the Hebrew word derived from finishing reading Kristin Chenoweth's book last night because she said something about a specific word in the bible and its origin. And China is always on my mind (Georgiaaaa...Georgia....nevermind)....so that explains that.
Tune in next time for another fun-confusion-filled dream from me-self.


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