מה נשתנה

So...it's been about 800 years since our Florida vacation and I keep putting off blogging about the rest of it for the simple reason that I WANT WANT WANT to write a co-written blog with John. WANT. He knows this. We've discussed he. He wants to also. But does it ever happen? Nooooo. Is that his fault? Of course not. I'm just as guilty. But come ON, Rachel and John?! It's been like...a long time. Good grief.
I have a cold. Compliments of John. After several days of not kissing because he didn't want me to get it, we shared a quick kiss and this is what I get. Lovely. Maybe I can milk it for all it's worth and get waited on hand and foot this weekend. DOH he reads my blog.
In other news...I finished it. I can't believe it. I mean I can but...I'm just SO excited to be finished with "it." At this time, I cannot disclose what "IT" is but...know it's good and finished and I'm stoked about it. And no it's not my book. Man, that would be amazing now wouldn't it? Finishing a novel in...5 months? Wow. Simply amazing. But no. No finished books. But something is finished! It's a gift. So...I will share what it is after I've given it to its new unsuspecting owner. It's a surprise. Yay!
As some of you all know...it's Passover this week. Many probably do not know this fact. Why I know this fact is a long story. I am not Jewish (to my knowledge) and don't necessarily celebrate Passover yearly. But it rarely passes without me knowing about it and appreciating it. My dad used to teach a class on Passover when I was younger and my brother used to sing "Ma Nishtana" or "The Four Questions" or מה נשתנה. Read more about it here. My dad tried to bribe me to sing it once for my class in elementary school when he was going over the Passover celebration with us. Yeah. Peer pressure (or in this case parent pressure) never worked on me and still doesn't. If I don't want to do something, it's not happening.
Back to Passover...my brother used to sing "The Four Questions" and we'd go through the Passover celebration even though we're not Jewish. I really miss that. Like I REALLY do. I've wanted to put on a Passover celebration a few times as an adult but I honestly don't know ALL that goes into it. Someday I will...I WILL.
What brought this all on? A blog I read was talking about Matzoh ball soup. Which I JUST SO HAPPENED to have made last week. How weird.


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