Ultra Marine

Diamonds are not always a girl's best friend.
No this blog is not about marines that are ultra into their jobs...(Hahaha oh...it hurts. Man...my wittiness never fails). This blog was inspired by various discussions that occurred at work about wedding blogging today (because...after all...I DO work at mywedding.com...we talk about weddings and bride-related things a lot) among other things. So here goes.
I think there's a misconception out there that all girls love diamonds. Which is...lame-o. Frankly that's about as realistic as saying all girls love one specific color. FOR EXAMPLE: Although pink is primarily associated with girls, there are many girls who loathe it with their entire soul. This was me a few years ago. I have since changed my ways.
I think it's safe to say the same goes for stone types. Whatever happened to ultramarines (Eh? Eh? Blog title? There you go! What did I tell ya!), rubies, emeralds, , topaz', etc. etc. etc.? Although a lot of these are cheaper than diamonds that does not mean they are in any way inferior. I've known several women who had a ruby as their main engagement ring stone. And they were in no way disappointed with it or wished it were a diamond. 75% of the time they specifically asked for a ruby. Point made!
Personally I think it's refreshing to see jewels other than diamonds. I have nothing against diamonds. I like diamonds. I have diamonds. I'm just saying...there's nothing wrong with being creative and original.
Here's a question: What is this fascination with Tiffany's? I don't get it. I even do it and I don't get it. There's just something about that little blue box. They even make movies about it. Or maybe the question should be...what is it with girls and pretty things? I guess it's a simple answer...because we like to be pretty but WHY? Hmmm...
The girls who expect Tiffany's are a entirely different breed (that I believe should be shipped off to a third world country with $100 to their name for about a year...but that's just me...) but the rest of us, we don't expect anything. Me and my co-worker were talking about this. We would never ask for Tiffany's because...it's Tiffany's. But we would save up and buy ourselves something from Tiffany's...because it's Tiffany's. In a guys' world, this makes no logical sense really. And really I guess it doesn't anyway. But it somehow makes sense to me. It's the mentality of waiting and working for something big. Even if it's not needed at all. It's just nice even if it's just once. Like going out to a really, REALLY nice restaurant. You don't NEED to. But it's nice. And you appreciate it that much more if you save for it. This country needs to cut up their credit cards and reteach itself how to SAVE for something. Instant gratification is overrated.
Just thoughts going through my busy little (ok big) head.


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