I am Siren

I completely, COMPLETELY thought I had won $100 dollars on the radio today. I'm super bummed...I've never won anything on the radio before. I don't even really know how it works...but I thought I had gotten through but alas I didn't.
The only thing I can think of that I've won before was at some conference in Colorado when I was...maybe 11. It was when Beanie Babies were first getting popular and they had like 6 in a drawing and I somehow won. Right after I got up and claimed them I got bombarded (mostly by parents) by people wanting to buy them off me. It was pretty crazy. I was just happy to win something. Anything.
It said it would be nice today but it's starting out gray and misty. We'll see where it goes.
I've found that every time I buy a Starbucks mix CD I'm disappointing. It's very odd how this happens because I always seem to enjoy whatever is playing in Starbucks. I got one recently which started out disappointing but is actually slowly growing on me. So thank goodness for that. It's a collection of "irresistible voices" called "Songs of the Siren." Now THIS...is a starbucks card I would buy and keep.Simply amazing. That's all I've got to say. Whoever thought this one up was a complete genius and I'd love to hangout with them.
I feel like the movie "Across the Universe" right about the point where Jude is hurling paint and stabbing strawberries onto canvas. I need a release. I wish I had a large empty room I could hurl paint in. Or really just hurl something. I need to hurl. As in throw. Not puke. I want to somehow get Photoshop again and figure it out completely and get to a point where I can make a witty webcomic. Or something. I want to be able to create something. But I'm so tired. This weird cycle...I need energy to create but I need to create to regain energy. I'm just a tired siren...bored of being the fate of sailors...with little to sing.


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