Happy 1/2!

It's my half birthday today!!!
I'm very excited. I completely, COMPLETELY forgot but my lovely phone reminded me. My family doesn't always do something on our half birthdays. Usually we get half a cake...or a dessert of our choice. I'm just very excited. Cuz I'm like a little kid. I'm easily amused. YAY!!
The only other people I know that celebrate 1/2 birthdays are my cousins. Not sure if they still do but I stayed with them one summer back a few years ago and they did. My cousin's is pretty close to mine. It's convenient for my mom cuz my dad's birthday is 2 days after mine...so she can just buy a whole cake. We don't EACH eat half a cake or anything like that. It's just the symbolism. Whatever symbolism that is. The word "symbolism" makes me think of something actually meaningful...but this is just for fun.
On a more serious note, the death toll has reached 12,000 as a result of the massive earthquake in Si Chuan, China. We heard from some friends yesterday who live in my city, one province away from where the earthquake hit. They said they didn't feel a thing...which is pretty incredible since Beijing and Thailand felt it. The main places I'm worried about are the countryside village areas. Because they really have little way of getting help if something bad happens. And with the way their buildings are constructed, it's very easy for them to collapse.
Just...pray for them. I just wish there was something I could DO...with my hands...to help. I am feeling very helpless. I just gotta keep praying.
Total change of subject and random thought:
I really appreciate action figures. They're just awesome. My brother went to a comic convention this weekend and brought me back a Hellboy poster. Super stoked about it. I would have liked to go but "meeting the parents" is definitely more important. ;) I don't actually have many action figures. If any. I have some random ones...like Gaz (the cartoon character of me), and this Spooky guy...and a few random anime ones. OH and of course Ultraman. I wouldn't mind a Hellboy one one of these days. One character I totally dig as one of the creepiest, most kick-ass villains is Kroenen (pic below). When I first saw Hellboy I was totally creeped out by him. Not in a ridiculous sence where I couldn't watch it...but just...I was like dude...if I met him in a dark alley, I'd be all "Kill me quickly, please!!" Intense stuff. I'm excited to see how the new Hellboy turns out. My first reaction is a gag reflex buuuuut...I think there's a small glimmer of hope. It just depends on if whoever is directing it really KNOWS comics. I really want to make a web-comic. I have for a long time. I can just never get a story down, a style down...characters...seeing what Caleb brought home from the convention just makes me think (AGAIN) "I can TOTALLY do this!!" We'll see. I just need to kick my ass and sit down and TRY. I just never have time to even do that. I'll just have to MAKE time. Well I'm gunna go treat myself to coffee. Yay!!


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