
This blog post just might make me sound stupid...so bear with me...cuz I'm not.
I realized today I have a lot of trouble understanding puns because I automatically assume I have no idea what the person is talking about and it must be some American cultural humor that I don't get. Like today my coworker said (when asked how the Special was that she ordered) "Oh it's nothing special...haha...the special is nothing special"...and this may not be the best example but...since I had no idea why she was saying "the special is nothing special" I automatically shut off my brain and assumed that it was some American humor that I was unfamiliar with and went over my head. 5 minutes later it clicked and I laughed and she laughed that it took me that long to get it. And I realized...I do that a lot. It's cuz a lot of times people ARE using American humor or terms that I've never heard and so when I stare at them blankly they repeat it slower (like that's going to help) and then we go through the whole "you've never heard that before?" song and dance so I've learned that the simplest thing to do is ignore what they said and act like I'm too cool for school and didn't find what they said the least bit amusing. It works...unless I get it later and start giggling. I'm a dork...I know. And then let's go to certain genre terms...like urban rock? Grunge? Urban grunge rock? What the HECK are these? I don't have ANY idea what kind of music that would be. I can only imagine and that's usually what I leave it up to...my imagination...so I have this really strange and twisted idea of what grunge must be. And urban...that's one of those words like "fiber" that I've NEVER used in a sentence and probably never will. I looked it up in a dictionary today cuz I seriously had no idea what "urban" meant. When I hear urban, I think turban and then I think of the desert. And rural...urban and rural. I never use either of those words so I always think one is the other and the other is the first. Like Urban Legends...I thought it was like...legends in a very unpopulated area. And it doesn't help that I couldn't guess a size of a group of people to save my life unless I literally counted them. I'm used to being around huge crowds and I had no idea how big they were to begin with...so...a crowd here could be several thousand and I wouldn't know...I know it just makes me sound dumb. I think it's more of a mental block. I just see people. I don't see a size. I can't see a size. If you grew up in a city the size of Poulsbo with a population of 6 million people you'd probably do the same thing. *sigh*...And fiber...I think of tall grass...so when someone says "I need more fiber in my diet" I think of them eating hand fulls of tall, thick grass. And that very well may be what fiber is! Because I have no idea! I'll go look it up. My head is weird. I just wanted to share.


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