
I have become a mouth-breather since I got this nose ring. It's very hard to blow my nose (either that or I'm scared pick) so my nose has become very stuffy. While I'm listening to music at work, I am completely unaware of my mouth breathing and am worried I sound like...some...very...loud breathing...thing. Like...a wookie or something. I occasionally pause my music to make sure I don't sound like that. *sigh* Soon this too shall pass.
I find Relient K rather entertaining. I didn't use to. But they've seriously grown on me. Especially their album "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right...But Three Do." If you haven't had the joy of hearing these guys, give them a try. Even if you've heard bad things. They sing about how college sucked for them, wearing pink tuxedos to the prom, and giving emotional girls mood rings so that guys can sense when they're about to get dramatic. Niiiice. You can't say that doesn't sound interesting for song subjects. Oh yeah...they sing about other things too. One of their most well known pieces would have to be "Marilyn Manson Ate My Girlfriend" which is pretty entertaining. My favorite line from that song is "Marilyn Manson, he's not cool. Marilyn Manson, what's the matter with school? Marilyn Manson, he's not nice. Marilyn Manson shows are overpriced. " Check them out here.
This weekend is not only going to be in the 80's but it's ALSO Viking Festival in Poulsbo. I'm super stoked about that especially since John's family is coming on Saturday and then we're all coming home to my house for dinner...which I am making. Woot. I'm actually pretty nervous about that since I haven't cooked in a few months cuz I'm so busy and when I cook after not cooking for awhile I get uber stressed. But I'll just have to deal with it.
So...I had the perfect idea for my boyfriend's birthday...but it fell through and I'm so annoyed that it did. So now I have to plan from square 1. Maybe not literally square 1. I still have a few things up my sleeves. Hmmm...
Haha...found this...thought it sounded funny. The perfect way to give my mom a heart-attack one of these days...if it looked realistic. I think she's just waiting to see what I do next. She saw my sea salts for my nose and said "Um...*sigh*...did you get another tattoo?" I think she forgot what I used for tattoo healing but it was kinda cute. Don't worry mom. I'm not getting a sleeve.


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