
I don't know if I'm having hot flashes or what but I am sooo warm this morning. It's odd. Very odd.
It looks like today is the beginning of summer. Not sure if it'll actually hold up but it's definitely beautiful.
Last night two of my cats were left outside...all night. They were cross to say the least this morning. One of them lectured my mom quite lengthily after she let them in. Sad.
Well this weekend was good. Saturday turned out to be very, very nice and I had a blast hanging out with Kat in Seattle and then on the way back home I ran into my friend Dane on the ferry and John and I gave her a ride to her house. She let us in and showed us what she's done to remodel recently (she plans on selling it soon) and I rediscovered my love for Bev Doolittle. She had several of her paintings and I swear I haven't seen Bev Doolittle in yearrrrssss...I discovered her in second grade and just LOVED her work. Not all of it but I just love what she can do to the eye. It's amazing. Her overall art style isn't really why I love her. Anyone else doing the same style? Just doesn't do it for me. But she just has that element of surprise. She adds it to almost every piece...where something else is just have to keep looking. Like those eye puzzle things...
I'm very determined to try to not spend any money for 2 weeks. I'm going to make an exception on John's birthday but other than that...nada. It's going to be hard but I'm pretty determined to do it to prove to myself that I CAN. There's so much more I can do without money.
The return to work is not without its wish that the weekend wasn't over yet. And the beautiful day just confirms that...cuz...heck...I think we'd all rather be playing today than working. But that's life. I am excited to get some work done and make some progress though. And I need to water my plants. I think I'll go do that.


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