Facing Fears
Yesterday I faced my #1 fear: Blood tests. I loathe blood tests. I would rather swim with sharks than get a blood test. But that's rarely an option so alas...I'm doomed. I've always had a horrible fear of anything related to anything medical. But blood tests are the TIPPY TOP of the list. I think a large reason for my fear was the last time I got one was a very traumatic experience. It was in China and a blood test was required for our visa renewal (a new rule because we never had to do one before...). We were at a hospital to get a full physical and at the end we got a blood test. By far one of the worst, most horrifying experiences of my life. The room was set up kind of like a ticket booth with a little cut out window in a large glass barrier. You were supposed to stand (not sit, not lay down), stick your arm through the window, and let them do their thing. Not only had I never done a blood test sitting (I've always laid down), standing was just the beginning. As I got my arm in the window (in tears, let me note), I noticed a container to my right and left filled with rows and rows of OPEN/EXPOSED viles of blood within inches of my arm. That pretty much pushed me over the edge. And I'm not trying to make all Chinese hospitals sound HORRIBLE because they aren't. It was just very traumatic.
So yesterday I had my first blood test since that experience...it's been 6 years. I'm very proud of myself because I did really well...and it wasn't bad at all. I was still scared crapless but it was not as painful as I've experienced. And the nurse was AWESOME and talked to me about tattoos the whole time. I STILL don't get why tattoos don't bother me but blood tests do. She said it was common actually...guys with full sleeves will come in and be complete babies about blood tests. I feel their pain. She told me all about some tattoos she wanted and I told her about mine and yeah...she was really nice and sympathetic. And she even let me lay down. She's cool in my book.
Well I just wanted to share...my triumph...over fear. Sort of.
So yesterday I had my first blood test since that experience...it's been 6 years. I'm very proud of myself because I did really well...and it wasn't bad at all. I was still scared crapless but it was not as painful as I've experienced. And the nurse was AWESOME and talked to me about tattoos the whole time. I STILL don't get why tattoos don't bother me but blood tests do. She said it was common actually...guys with full sleeves will come in and be complete babies about blood tests. I feel their pain. She told me all about some tattoos she wanted and I told her about mine and yeah...she was really nice and sympathetic. And she even let me lay down. She's cool in my book.
Well I just wanted to share...my triumph...over fear. Sort of.
Happy weekend to all...and to all a goodnight.