
I'm cute today!
I don't know why but I felt the need to wear a skirt. It's like...skirt week at work...on Monday two of my coworkers (at least) wore skirts and I felt like it was my turn today. So I got all nice and shaved-legged and did my hair up and...I feel rather cute.
I'm going to the dermatologist today. I'm excited...and a bit nervous cuz I never got a call about my appointment but I think my mom gave them our OTHER phone number. So...whatever. I'm excited because I'm finally doing something about my skin and I hope, hope, HOPE they can help me.
I have no idea why but I found this picture and just had to put it up. It cracks me up. So cute. Major cute overload. Two sites I've found very entertaining are Cute Overload <-click here...and LOLCats <-click here...very funny sites. Check them out. Seriously.I've been meaning for some time to put some pics of my cats up on LOLCats cuz...I have some rather hilarious ones...but just haven't gotten around to it. OH oh! Another entertaining site is engrish.com <-click here!!! To put it simply...it's just a bunch of bad translations...and it's HIL-ARIOUS. I've only met one person who didn't find it funny...and they were...really weird. So check it out. Classic. Simply Classic.


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