Billy Bob Thornton is in a
band. Yes, you heard me right...a
BAND. I'm as confused as you...or maybe I'm the only one in the dark here. Which is very,
very possible. Especially with how things have been as of late. It would not surprise me in the least. I discovered to my dismay this weekend that I was
6000 miles overdue for an oil change. Yeah...people are teaching me how to care for my car REAL well (
insert thick sarcasm here). SO I was pretty pissed at the parentals for being so
CLEAR in the department of oil and changing it (
yes...more sarcasm). You all might think I'm an idiot for not knowing when to change the oil already...but you have to be aware I've been a licensed driver for less than 2 years...and I didn't really own a reliable car until December. So...I'm very new to this. And things weren't explained to me. At all. But now I know and I got my oil changed yesterday. Yay for me...
So back to the point. Billy Bob. Good ol' Billy Bob. So the band is called
The Boxmasters...check it out
HERE. I haven't listened to any of their stuff (and can't now cuz I'm at work and I think my work strategically made my computer have no sound card...soooo clever! Trickery ways to keep me working hard...without the distraction of youtube and random shiny things that make sound...I've outsmarted them though cuz I listen to my CD/mp3 player all day! But I don't think that was their point...) but I will. It just seems so weird to see him in a band...but I guess it kinda fits. Good for you, Billy Bob, for doing what you want to do.