The past few days my mom keeps trying to remember a song I introduced her to years ago but she can't remember the song title or artist...
or lyrics. Which makes things
less simple. She said something about
"church bells on the breeze" which sounded too
gay to be anything I'd listen to so nothing came to mind. She brought it up again this morning and while getting ready I suddenly remembered what it was and found it. I also can't remember the artist name but the song title was "Lovely." After playing it, I went back to getting ready and she paused the music on my computer and joined me in the other room. After a few minutes of talking, we both got quiet and she gave me an odd look. "Is the music still playing?" I listened. Yep. Weird. I
saw her pause it which makes it weirder. So we went into my room and happily sitting on my keyboard was the completely oblivious
Orange. She greeted us as we entered the room. She has an unusual talent with computers. And she doesn't even know it. She's been known to Ctl-Alt-Delete and reboot computers, delete files, and with today's display, un-pause music in Windows Media Player. I truly have a very talented cat. Either that or very retarded and just has very stylized foot patterns when she walks across the keyboard. Until we got Blue, she was the only one who would walk across the piano keys also. My theory is it's because she's so extremely loud herself, she doesn't mind the extra noise the piano entails. Or maybe she's deaf and doesn't hear it at all. That's also possible. Yeah...she's
gotta be deaf. All those years of Chinese New Year Fire Works going off in small, entirely cement, proximities did her a number. She yells at me constantly. This video (yes...I am posting my first blog video!!!) is her greeting me in the morning in the bathroom. By greeting I mean
bellowing. (The picture at the top is orange napping with her rear on the keyboard.