Vegetarian In The Making...except not boiled.
I think I'm becoming a vegetarian. But not because I think killing and eating animals is cruel. I've quite enjoyed eating meat. I just have been grossed out by it lately. In the past 6 months or so, it's progressed. But it started ever since I came back to the states. The meat here gives me the creeps. I can't even explain. Not ALWAYS...sometimes everything is fine and dandy...but lately any time I've eaten any sort of first thought is "chemicals, acid, radio-active, rainbow-meat, gasoline, ewww..."...and then I have to force myself to finish anything. It's quite sad really. I REALLY like meat. It all started when I ate this still-unidentified way of serving pork in the states. *SHUDDER* makes me want to eat my own foot. I would enjoy that much more. "I don't know HOW they serve it...but I must find out so I can avoid it at all costs," I told mostly I just don't eat pork unless I kinda have an idea of the dish. International dishes are the safest. Anything sick. And that's not an America diss...there's just some American way of in general that aggravates and sickens me. Boiled vegetables with zero spices or flavoring of any kind? How is that enjoyable? I think the kind of pork dish is something also boiled. I've decided boiling is NOT my friend unless it falls under the following conditions: you're making noodles, you're boiling eggs, you're making rice, you're torturing your victim (haha just checking to make sure you're listening!), you're making hot pot (which is a Chinese way of cooking your food in a hot boiling broth...usually 2 broths. A spicey one and a not spicey flavorful one.), or you're sterilizing water for whatever reason...OR you have no electricity in a third world country and need to take a bath. Or you're making tea. Other than those...(and probably a few more but gimme a break)...boiling is not my friend. If you are using boiling for any of the following reasons, stay away...stay FAR away: You like your meat boiled. That's it. Boiled. Or you like your veggies simply boiled...with nothing on them...or with them...just drippy, soggy, flavorless, limp, warm veggies. Mmm-mmm. Asia, Africa and Europe! Heck, South America! Come save me!!!