Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls...
With a very big smile (...and big know those big sighs you let out when you've just made a really big step? of them...), I would like to announce the launch of my NEW photography business blog LiQi Photography. You can find it by clicking LiQi Photography (Bingo, you guessed it!) or by looking under my "They Inspire Me..." list. This blog will be entirely for my business LiQi Photography (pronounced lē'chē fə-tŏg'rə-fē) and will stay updated (hopefully) on what photographic projects/adventures I'm doing/having. WARNING: ATTENTION: ETC: There are NO photos up yet. I'm working on weeding out some NORMAL photos and hope to get a portfolio together to start out with very soon. In the mean time, stay entertained with this blog (I'm not stopping this one...and the photography one won't be daily...just whenever I'm up to something...) or seriously take a look at my "They Inspire Me..." list on the bottom right hand side of my blog. There are some GOOD links in there. Both humorous and inspiring...hence...the title. My most recent addition/favorite is Cake Wreck. HUGE fan of this, people. It's hilarious. You will like it too. GO. Look. NOW. Oh and while you're at it congratulate me. Cuz I just made a huge step in my path to becoming a professional photographer. (And how appropriate...I'm posting this on the 22nd...remember? The number 22?)