Strapless Bras: The Devil's Best Kept Secret Weapon of Doom

You may not realize it...but the image above is, in fact, a bra. Also known as cleverly shaped post-it probably gives about as much support and comfort as a folded post-it note. Including the paper cuts.
I hate strapless bras. Oh they are PURE evil. Any girl with boobs will tell you (if she doesn't have boobs she has no room to talk...and if she does have boobs and says she likes them she's lying)...we HATE strapless bras.
I did a google search and found (THANK GOODNESS) someone else who shares my hatred for strapless bras. She said (and I quote), "Strapless bras are the devil, folks." And really? I couldn't say it better myself. Click Here to see her blog if you're interested in reading the whole entry. It's not ENTIRELY on strapless bras.
Strapless Bras: I am convinced they were invented by Satan. Or one of his evil minions. No...much to crafty a creation to be made by a lowly minion. Definitely the devil himself.
I don't know what it is. It's this never ending battle...they always come out with the "latest design" that'll give "ultimate support" and "stay put." And it does. If YOU stay put. Stand stiff as a board and don't move an inch...ever. As soon as you move, it's all over. Then it's the never ending "pulling up of either side of the bra to keep the girls from meeting the world" routine. Ahhh...the things guys get to live without. I don't care what brand it is...I have yet to find a strapless bra that actually fits and stays put. I don't want to have to glue one on. Like this one:I have only one thing to say:


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