Mucha Love
If I HAD to cover my body in tattoos (or more...had no fear of regrets for doing so) from a single artist (artist in the painty/artsy sense...not a tattoo artist) it would be Alphonse Mucha. Without any regret. And if I were a smoker I'd want to look just like the lady in this painting.
Mucha's the sort of artist that I've always admired...yet I didn't know it was HIM. And then when I found out his name from a certain painting of his that I loved...all of a sudden I discovered the interwoven history he and I have together. It's like I've been seeing him much of my life but never knowing his name and then, one day, we finally met. Google Image him. You won't regret it. And if you're silly.
Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era. I could totally wear huge dresses and tightly strung corsets ALL the time. But then I actually WEAR a corset and remember why I was meant to live now and not then. Don't get me wrong I love corsets...but only for so long...
I added some links to certain peoples' blogs and photography (to the right) that inspire me to great length. Hopefully you will find inspiration from them too.