
While on the subject of people I'm like or more...people who are like me...I gotta mention one more. And it's actually a cartoon character. Gaz from Invader Zim. I can not tell you how many high school friends told me that she reminded them of me when they first saw Invader Zim. Which I found entirely amusing. For those unfamiliar with Invader Zim, Gaz is Dib's (one of the main character's) scary sister. I THINK she's the little sister but I have yet to figure that one out. Either way she's overly dark with lots of exaggerated goth-esque-ness to her. So...basically me in high school. It's almost like they monitored my room from age 14 on to create this character. Okay maybe not THAT exact but it's kind of humorous how similar we sound. The ironic thing: the voice of Gaz (Melissa Fahn) apparently does a lot of voice overs for Hello Kitty. How opposite can you get?


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