Edamame Please...?

Yes...I posted 3 blogs today. I started in the morning with nothing to say really but I guess I actually do have something to say today.
I've been feeling more and more vegetarian over the past 3-4 years. It's kinda weird. Yes, there are those days that I just would LOVE a roast beef sandwich. But sometimes...it just grosses me out eating meat. I don't know why. I think part of it is everything seems so processed and unnatural, pumped full of hormones and crap. It could just be pork. I haven't quite narrowed it down yet. But I will...hopefully.
I am a huge fan of Edamame. If you don't know what that is go to a Japanese restaurant and ask for it. I PROMISE it isn't raw fish for you rawfishphobes. I had a huge hankering for sushi today (I don't really count fish as meat...or maybe it really IS pork that I can't stomach...hmmm...I like it when pork is in Chinese dishes but not American...)...but didn't get any because the friend I was going to have it with was unreachable. Sad. I will need to get some soon...mmm...sushi...
I'm feeling more and more go green. I haven't quite figured out what I can do to be pro-green...but I think it's definitely important. Something a lot of society doesn't seem to be paying much attention too. I do give kudos to all the businesses that are going green and promoting it. I thought this flag picture was cool.


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