In the air...

With the hope of the arrival of my new phone, I realized I desperately needed to get the pics and stuff off my current phone so they don't get deleted like the last time I switched phones. And then the issue of my address book poofed into my head. How are they going to switch my contacts? Cuz I REALLY don't want to do that manually. I ended up getting instructions in the box that my phone came in. Extremely retardedly useless instructions. They told me how to back up my contacts but accessing them was a real trick and it just kept redirecting me to the same page that explained HOW to download them but now how to access them once downloaded. Verizon's website can really be retarded 98% of the time. The 2% that isn't retarded is only because they updated it since the last time I visited the site. Before, the website = 100% suck. So...a 2% improvement is better than nothing...I guess.
My phone arrived. I like it. It's taking some getting used to. But on a whole I like it. I'm terrified to scratch it up because it's so new and shiney and pretty. Maybe I should get a case.
Today I found out one of my best friends got engaged. Congratulations Melissa and Micah. I guess love really is in the air. It's funny to think about where I was a year ago...recovering from an extremely awkward and unenjoyable date on New Year's Eve...probably pondering the possibility of joining Eharmony. Heh...good times. 10 days, my friends. Just 10 small days.


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