EnV2 to U.

I realized today I never wrote anything about my new phone. Not my new phone. My NEW new phone. You see...the phone I got after upgrading my poor old dying EnV...turned out to be the devil's advocate. Oh yes...I'm talking about the evilest of evil here. Not only did the vibrate feature SUCK (never heard or felt a thing so I went through life oblivious that I even had a phone), any alarms set on the calendar never went off. EVER. And for someone who is about to get married and get her birth control schedule regulated, a calendar/alarm is VITAL. And since my watch alarm is about as useful as....something extremely useless....my phone has been my primary appointment/alarm/alert manager. Until the EVIL DEVIL phone came along. Soooo...after many venting evenings of pounding instructions into my phone only to be met with a happy little moment of silence when the alarm was supposed to go off (SO evil...basically what was wrong was the phone was designed to either give alarms with a tone...or a vibration. But not both. And frankly it doesn't work without both. For example: if the phone is set to vibrate and your alarm is set to tone, the result is NO alarm. What so ever. And the same goes for if your phone is set to tone but your alarm is set to vibrate. Oh it makes my blood boil just thinking about it....)...I finally called Verizon Wireless and begged them for mercy. And ordered the EnV2. As much as I have complaints about the EnV, I would live with them in order to never have to lay eyes on my Samsung Sway phone from the pit of despair again. FOR-E-VER. Soooo...long story short, my misery has past and I am pleased with my new little phone...the EnV2. <3


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