Pimp Slap

There are good days...there are bad days. Yesterday was one of the latter. And I don't really want to talk about it. But I will say this: I hate blenders. HATE.
Today is a new day and it just so happens to be Friday as well...which is very wonderful and welcome. And despite John having 24 duty today, it's going to be a good one regardless. I finally figured out how I want to touch up my hip tattoo and by whom...and if they do a good job, I may consider having them do my tree as well because the thought of waiting a year for the artist I found in Durham is starting to grate on me. We shall see...
I might get my tattoo priced (the touch up) today. I hope I can.
I have this horrible habit of seeing someone else's creativity and completely resenting them for it. Now, this does not happen for every form of creativity. It's only certain forms. And honestly it hasn't happened in a long while...but has been popping up here and there lately...and I'd appreciate it if it would leave me in peace. I don't need to be resenting people for being creative. I guess I am just feeling extremely UNcreative. Which makes me feel threatened when I see that...instead of inspired which is how I should feel.
Tiny unrelated rant: I think I read people pretty well. And there's this moment of silence and observance that I cannot stand within a conversation. It's the moment after something has been said about me...like where I'm from, how I grew up, what I'm doing in the future...it's that moment of silence where the other person considers what they've just heard. Sometimes it's fine and is simply uncomfortable because all the attention is on me. Yesterday it was downright annoying because the look and feel I was getting was "Wow...she doesn't have her degree yet? She's going to go to community college?" It was pure mockery and I could see them try to hide it on their faces...but it was there. I hate that. HATE it. And frankly? Yes. I don't have my degree and damn grateful I don't because I would be in the hole over 100 grand (no joke) if I did from the school I was originally going to. And it would be a crappy degree at that since the only improvement to their art department in 30 years has been the addition of a few mac computers. Secondly, I've had more life/world experiences than most Americans will ever comprehend. I think that's better than a degree. Thirdly, I'm not going to throw my money down the drain to get a piece of paper unless there's a real reason. This is the key reason why community college is for me right now. I'm NOT sure of my reason for all this yet. So why should I fork out the money for an expensive school when I'm not even sure what I'm doing here in the first place?
Yeah, I talk/think too much.
*big sigh*
It's Friday. I get a weekend. And I can do whatever the heck I want.


SOkaley said…
I love how our lives are so similar at the moment. Well, ok, so you met your man on-line already and I'm still searching... But I'm going back to school too! To city college! And not even to finish up my lacking degree! Yep, I took three years of art school and realized it wasn't for me. I owe 28,000 in school loans and now will be headed back to school for a EMT/Paramedic license that will take me another two years to acquire and who knows how much more money. (mind you, it's still only a license and NOT even a degree!) Crazy.

So, in short, I know where you're coming from. I empathize with those pregnant pauses and dissapproving glances when people realize you don't have a degree. I say we forget about everyone elses opinions and dance to our own beat, eh?! Keep on being awesome Rachel!
YEAH! And well said...and frankly...I mean school loans suck but you gotta do what you want to do and if it takes you 17 years to figure out what exactly that entails so you can spend the next 17+ years supremely happy, it's worth the misery. I hate the idea of just quitting and never finding my niche. We both know we'd always regret that. But I know it's out there! So I gotta pursue it.
We should seriously hangout sometime. Next time I'm over there or you're over here: HANGING OUT!
SOkaley said…
Done and done! :)

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