Cinematic Visionary

You know those days where you think "only 23 more hours until the day is over?" Well this entire WEEK (and part of the weekend) is pretty much exactly that. However, I am wishing time to pass a little faster than that even. Like..."only three weeks until I'm in Vegas and home-free." Yeah. I will not go into details. But ALL-HELL-BREAKING-LOOSE comes to does FAMILY-DRAMA-FROM-HADES. Anyone want to trade certain family members? Anyone? No? True...I honestly cannot blame you. It never ceases to amaze me how easily people decide to hate.

And that's all I'm going to say about that. It's not worth my time, energy, or emotion anymore.

Onto a new's Wednesday. The Avatar Last Airbender movie is coming out tomorrow. I'm SO excited. But trying not to get my hopes TOO high because...well...just because. But I think it'll still be good even if they don't stick to the original story. M. Night Shyamalan doesn't usually disappoint me. He makes movies that are weird...but they're usually interesting even if they don't become my favorite movie ever or anything. I still appreciate the creativity. The idea of him doing someone else' story line excites me...because he's a cinematic visionary. This will be good.
I'm looking for a counselor. The past year has thrown enough at me that I'm ready to talk it out with someone. I'm not even entirely sure how that'll work considering my issues are long-distance. But...resolving issues, even if it's just internal turmoil, is needed. I'm very lucky to have such an understanding, supportive husband by my side. And I'm also lucky this is all happening while he's home, not while he's deployed. More like blessed. All I can do now is pray. I know God is faithful.
Photo: Tim Sale found via iPood:Blag


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