The Fast Changes

I've heard people say that change happens quickly and change happens slowly. I've also heard people say good things take time and good things happen all at once. I don't really know which one I agree with the most because I think they are all true in their own ways. There are things that happen in a flash and things that take a little more time. It all depends on where you are in your life path and what needs changing.
I took this picture the day I realized there might be more to life than keys and combinations. Translation: it was time to move on from my place of employment (the bank) and find something new and more in-tune with ME and my desires for my life. I felt God tugging at my heart to venture out and see what I found outside my comfort zone. Enter And that, my friends, is one of the best decisions I ever made. I've now been working at for almost two and a half years and have loved every second. Never before have I had such a FAMILY in the work place. This company truly cares about me and we watch each others' backs. When I got married, I got the okay to take my work with me as I moved across the country. I don't know if I could find a more giving and generous employer. I was baffled at the mere possibility of keeping my job after the move. The fact that they actually said yes blew me away. I've been working from home in North Carolina for a little over a year and the only downside is how much I miss my coworkers and the Bainbridge Island office. Working from home has been a great experience and has shown me that I can motivate myself on my own. Something I wasn't so sure was possible until now (I'm like a ferret easily distracted by shiny objects).
The change from the bank to happened FAST. And I was READY for a change even if it happened abruptly. I was tired of the bank and the unnecessary stress it brought with it (no more dreams haunted by the drive-thru window bell...guuuhhhhh). I wanted to see what else could be out there. I was ready to try something new even if it was something I had no experience in.
I can't even remember how long it was but I just remember taking this picture, getting two interviews at two different companies (one that I didn't go to because I decided I had zero interest in the job), meeting my future manager Jenn and sitting on her little red chair (or is it yellow? It's hard remembering while I'm not there) in her office and thinking "Wow...what I would give to stay here." I didn't even really know what I was going to be doing...but the energy and vibrancy of that office stuck with me. I loved everyone I met. I loved the interview. I loved the questions. I loved the office. After a typing test that I did horribly at (but they were somehow impressed with), one of the co-founders Rob asked me to sit down at his desk, open Outlook, create a new email and title it. I did so and immediately he and Jenn burst out laughing. I wondered what the heck was going on and then Rob explained that out of 7 interviews, I was the first person to be able to do that simple task. Wow. What is the world coming to? We continued the interview and the last thing he asked me was what a perfect day would consist of for me. I said "Hanging out with cool people in cool places with lots of culture and food. And art." He gave me three Starbucks gift cards (SCORE!!) and told me to expect to hear from him: an email meant I didn't get the job, a call meant I did. I waited on pins and needles for a day or two and then received a voice mail during my lunch. DOUBLE SCORE!! I started about a month later and have literally loved it every day since then. I started in December of 2007 and was invited to the company Christmas party which was a complete surprise to me because I figured being so new I wouldn't be invited...and I was okay with that. I was treated to an unbelievable and unforgettable evening at the top of Smith Tower in Seattle. My company Christmas present? A Wii. Everyone got one. WOW.
I learned quickly that making friends in the work place is sometimes discouraged depending on where you work. My first few jobs had this attitude: just do your job...don't get to know your coworkers. is NOT one of those places. I consider my own manager one of my dearest friends at and could not survive without my core group of girls in Development and Design.
Some change takes time. Some change happens quickly. My change from bank to happened fast. And that time has come again. It's time for a new change and this new change in my life is happening equally as fast. Overwhelmingly the same time I feel that same tugging on my heart. God whispering "It's time to grow." And as much as I hate/love growing (it hurts so much but it makes me a better person), I know it's time.
I'm leaving my beloved I know a lot of people can't relate to me calling my employment "beloved" but I truly, truly LOVE this company. I love where it's come from. I love where it's going. I'm SO proud to say I was a part of it and helped develop it to what it is today. I wish I could continue with these amazing people but my heart and passion is elsewhere. And I can't do my best without my heart.
It's been an amazing two and a half years. Amazing is such a minuscule word for this experience and growth I've had. It makes a GIANT lump in my throat just typing this, knowing that the end of my time is drawing ever near. But I will always, always, always be friends with and love these wonderful people. And I will always recommend over any other wedding planning resource to my engaged or soon-to-be engaged friends. Because, truly, is the best. ;)
So what's next, you might be wondering? School. That's the simplest answer. One day I was just driving with my husband to a broadway show, the next we discussed school on the drive back, and the next after that, while spring cleaning, I applied to the local community college. It just feels right in my bones. My goal at this point is to get my associates degree and then see how I feel at that point. Maybe go on to earn a bachelors degree. But we'll see. I am also pursuing my book; finishing it and publishing it. And furthering my artistic influence. I'd like to pursue selling my work. I is the simplest answer. I feel a fire inside to pursue my passions and we are in a financial state where I can without having to worry about paying for school or surviving without a job. So I am going to take advantage of it while I can.
The idea of going back to school scares the willies out of me (willies? where'd that come from anyway?) but that kind of confirms that it's not just one of my whims. My previous school experience was anything but glamorous or enjoyable. It definitely had enjoyable moments but it was entirely the wrong time for me to go to school. Now? Now is the right time. I don't have to worry about evil roommates, evil dorm-life, culture shock or money. I have the best and most encouraging roommate in the world. All I need is the dedication and courage to DO this. Which I will. And am.
The hardest part lies behind me: the news has been broken and we are discussing options. But I know God is with me and this is the right move. I am staying with the company for several more months (most likely until the end of July) while we work together to organize this position and prepare for someone to replace me. Hopefully I will be able to help in training too. So the last hurrah is yet to come!
To everyone at EmDub: What the crap. I adore you all. Don't be a stranger. And I really do mean that. I will be invading your space in December to say hi. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life working with all of you. I treasure our friendship and consider you family. My casa is your casa. If you're ever in North Carolina, give me a call. You are always, always welcome. Thank you for a wonderful two and a half years. I look forward to seeing blow the competition out of the water and win the hearts of the rest of the brides that haven't already heard of you...I will be admiring from afar. I LOVE YOU!!
Note: Creepy little tidbit. At the point I was first writing this, I had told no one of my plans to resign. There is a section with a drop-down list of all employees. All names are in black except for former employee names which are in red. MY NAME IS IN RED. What the heck?? The system knows...change is a-brewin'. Big Brother is watching.
P.S. This is still pretty new and a lot of people do not know yet. Please refrain from commenting about it on facebook for the time being. Please? Thankies. I love you.
P.P.S. I just realized I JUST posted about getting excited about school...and I'm not sure if I ever mentioned going to school before for any confusion! I'm clueless...:)