I have this guilty obsession with beauty channels on youtube. I know I've mentioned it before...but I really love them. In fact...parts of me have said "self, you should seriously start one of those babies." And as you know (well you should), I tried the whole weekly beauty review thing. Yeahhh that lasted long (NOT)...and I came up with the conclusion that those beauty channels must be exhausting...and get expensive...and I don't buy makeup often enough (don't LET myself buy makeup often enough) to do something like that. There are a lot of things I like...and I love buying new products. But I'm a firm believer in trying to finish what I have before buying more..........Let me rephrase that: I am a firm believer in trying to finish the products that I use on a daily basis before buying more. Makeup is a little different. Hair stuff? Yes. Gotta finish it and then I'll "treat" myself to something new and different. I am currently forcing myself to finish all my shampoo before I can get anything new and fun. And sadly I got this MONSTER bottle of conditioner that I just do not like. But I'm gunna USE IT, DARN FART!! (crycry) Now...makeup is a different subject. I don't wear makeup daily...and therefore it takes a LOT longer to use up. As all girls know. So...I TRY not to buy new makeup unless it's something:
1. I do not have anything similar to.
2. It's way cooler than the similar thing I have.
3. Uhhhhhhh...what she said.
4. I've never seen anything else like it in my life and know it will revolutionize my very existence. This has only happened a handful of times.
So yeah. But since I have not been wearing much makeup...and will continue to not wear much until my nose ring heals, there will be no makeup purchases for me until that day arrives and graces my doorstep.
Okay I should go now.
So basically...I do not buy new makeup-y products often enough to have a youtube channel or even do a weekly post...and talk about SPACE. WHERE do these girls put all this stuff? Oh yeah...they have room-sized vanities and wardrobes dedicated to that sorta thing. Duh...