Wait a minute, Mr. Postman!
I finally cried today. I haven't really cried since last Sunday when John left. I felt the urge a few times but just held it together. Once was in Best Buy when I finally got a call from him. I could hear him but he couldn't hear me. So we had to hangup. Another time was after hanging up from our first Skype call. We haven't tried the webcams yet and probably won't be able to use them because his connection is so slow. I cried today after chatting with him online. A few conversations ago he said he had a bunch of postcards he was sending me. I read this to mean they were already in the mail. So I've been running to the mailbox every time I get mail hoping it's something from him. I guess I misunderstood. He bought the postcards but hasn't had time to write any because he's been so busy. Funny how something as dumb as a postcard can mean so much.
i'm so glad you've gotten a couple chances to chat with your hubby man already! and it's really cool to think what those postcards will mean to you both, years and years from now, when everything is back to normal.
but...uh...how is it that i've cried about your situation more times than you? i'm a big baby when it comes to this sorta thing!