The Inconvenient Truth

Today's theme is 'Sincerely, Ichabod' by Project 86.
I am not having a good two weeks. No three weeks? Yeah that's about right.
Last night I might as well have gone to hell itself...for now we'll just call it a level of hell a.k.a. the New Bern Walmart. After losing hope in humanity while there (I do almost every time I'm there) and being laughed at by a mother and her kids (thanks time I WON'T move to make room for you...I'll just run you over with my cart! RAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!), I waited over an hour and 15 minutes for my prescription (during which I witnessed a redneck in line for the pharmacy begin scratching his butt crack and expose a giant puncture wound in his love handle...sigh...)...a prescription that I called in YESTERDAY, might I add...only to find out I was being charged the full price, no insurance coverage. I asked why and they said I did not qualify for coverage under my current insurance. *blinkblink* I checked the bag after I paid and it was only one month worth. I always get three. I went back to the counter and told them my situation. They said they didn't do three months because then it would have been very expensive (full price) and that my coverage didn't cover it. Which is complete bullcrap. Since I've been getting this prescription for over 6 months under my insurance without any trouble. (I transferred this prescription over from the NICE Walmart in Havelock and am convinced the transfer itself to the crappy Walmart caused a rip in the space time continuum and this is the end of the world as we know it. Prepare yourself.) So after almost bursting into tears, I went home and called my insurance. They said coverage ended on June 15th of this year. Okkkkaaayyyyyy? They looked into why but didn't have any reason available so they gave me a number to call today. I called and was informed that that was the date John's contract with the military ended. *blinkblink* I informed them that was BULL because he was currently DEPLOYED and his contract wasn't up for at least another 4 years. They said I would need his orders (no idea where they are) and my power of attorney to fix it. I searched for the power of attorney that I was told was at the TOP of the filing cabinet. NO power of attorney. NO orders. NO health insurance.
I am wondering this: why did I ever cancel my former insurance? Why would I know I lost my coverage if they never gave either of us any sort of notice? Why would I even WANT to be under military insurance if any given day it could just stop working? What happens if I get hit by a car tomorrow? We pay a whole butt load, that's what.
And the humorous side is this: I was much more cared for and felt safer living in a COMMUNIST THIRD WORLD COUNTRY with zero rights than I am in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'S MILITARY HEALTH PROGRAM. WHAT the hell does that tell you? That only a complete retard would opt for government run health care.
Oh...and the icing on the cake: I searched high and low for the power of attorney. NO where to be found.


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