
Most mornings, I feel like I'm in a Disney Movie. I open the curtains to my kitchen nook and a scattering of animals dash away from the bird feeder, from woodpeckers to squirrels. They go and hide in the trees behind our house...before inching their way back to the feeder within 5 minutes. It makes me laugh. Now if only I could get them to break out in song and choreographed dance. THAT would be cool.
My kittens are quickly growing. They're already fighting over who can fit on my lap (even though they both can...they just pretend they can't) and enjoying exploring the house for the umteenth time. I think their favorite place so far is my closet (when they can sneak in without me knowing) and under our bed. George is a stealthy food snatcher so cereal is usually eaten standing up and Bean is an all around buzz machine. She purrs if you look at her. She purrs when you don't look at her. She purrs when you give her medicine (until she has to swallow). She purrs at all times of the day. And I love that about her. George is a mama's/daddy's boy and hates being alone. One night we put them in the bathroom for the night (they sleep there so WE can get some sleep without them sitting on our heads...true story) and we heard what we thought was Bean crying miserably so we finally let them out. It was George. He has the tiniest, sweetest little voice and he's very attentive. They are a great, great joy and I am so glad we've gotten to know them together before John has to go away. They're definitely going to miss him. As will I. And him us of course.


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