R You Listening?
Something About Me:
I like words that start with R's. Radio, Rocket, Riot, Rhododendron, Root, Rip, Rotten, Rather, etc. I like the letter R. Most likely because my name begins with it...but also because some great words begin with it: Ridiculous, Rebellious, Retarded, Ruthless, Romantic, Rock, Roll...you get the picture.
The Weird Part: I think other girls who are named Rachel don't fit their name. At all. In fact, subconsciously I think they are posers. Of me. Heh. Does anyone else experience this?
The same actually goes for John. When I think of my boyfriend John and then think of someone else named John, they sound like two completely different words/names without any similarity. I think I'm really odd. In the best ways.
I just discovered a chill female singer that I'm kinda digging...her name is Meiko. I'm not sure who she reminds me of but she reminds me someone...Michelle Branch on a chill day? Not sure. Maybe...but she has a very relaxing voice. Go listen to her here. The song Said and Done is very good. And I dig Boys With Girlfriends. It's catchy. She seems to be fairly new (I think) and I can't seem to find much on youtube of her...but she has a very soft voice with some surprising power right when you're convinced that's all she has to offer is softness. Michelle Branch definitely has more power...but I like Meiko...she has a nice folky-(why did I even say folky? I don't even know what folky sounds like...but I think I read somewhere she's folky so...if I had to imagine folky, she'd be it)-ish voice and style. So...check her out.
I like words that start with R's. Radio, Rocket, Riot, Rhododendron, Root, Rip, Rotten, Rather, etc. I like the letter R. Most likely because my name begins with it...but also because some great words begin with it: Ridiculous, Rebellious, Retarded, Ruthless, Romantic, Rock, Roll...you get the picture.
The Weird Part: I think other girls who are named Rachel don't fit their name. At all. In fact, subconsciously I think they are posers. Of me. Heh. Does anyone else experience this?
The same actually goes for John. When I think of my boyfriend John and then think of someone else named John, they sound like two completely different words/names without any similarity. I think I'm really odd. In the best ways.
I just discovered a chill female singer that I'm kinda digging...her name is Meiko. I'm not sure who she reminds me of but she reminds me someone...Michelle Branch on a chill day? Not sure. Maybe...but she has a very relaxing voice. Go listen to her here. The song Said and Done is very good. And I dig Boys With Girlfriends. It's catchy. She seems to be fairly new (I think) and I can't seem to find much on youtube of her...but she has a very soft voice with some surprising power right when you're convinced that's all she has to offer is softness. Michelle Branch definitely has more power...but I like Meiko...she has a nice folky-(why did I even say folky? I don't even know what folky sounds like...but I think I read somewhere she's folky so...if I had to imagine folky, she'd be it)-ish voice and style. So...check her out.