I love butter. I know it's gross...but I really do. There are few things more wonderful tasting to me than a fresh piece of toast or a toasted english muffin lathered in butter. Ahhhh...so good.
I have a coffee craving today...but I am scared of being disappointed. And most days I am disappointed with the Starbucks near my work...I think I just talked myself out of it. The thing that makes it annoying is they started that whole "If it's not right the first time, we'll make your drink again." slogan thing...and frankly...some baristas just can't make a good cup of coffee so it doesn't matter how many times they redo it. It's just not good. I miss going to my local Poulsbo Starbucks. I don't think I ever walked out of that place unsatisfied. They're so freakin GOOD! I need to go back soon.

I had a very disturbing dream last night. I dreamt I joined the Marines...accidentally...or I was drafted or something. And I was on my period (look away, guys...look away!) so I had all these "female products" in my pack. And then all of a sudden we were at this meeting that was supposedly really important and they started searching our packs and when they got to mine, they made SUCH a big deal that I had female products and they were yelling at me about it and screaming and making such a huge deal and I was like...ummm...what would you rather me do? Are you nuts?? And then the whole squadron or whatever was pissed at me for getting them in trouble and there was this head table of head Marine people and everyone was saying how it was a really bad sign that they hadn't called anyone up to talk yet cuz usually they call someone up right away but because of what I did *roll eyes* they were really angry and we were in loads of trouble. Then we had to do this weird training thing where you're in...like...the cab of a truck or something and there's a car infront of you and all the windows were gone in the cab. They lowered you into the water and crushed the car in front of you with two huge logs. I didn't get the point of it all but hey...shows how weird my head is mixed with my confusion with the military. Then there was this one Marine (oh and male and female Marines trained together so everyone was flirting which was extremely gay...) had a crush on me so he kept staring at me and I was SO pissed because of what happened with my pack and I wanted to beat his ass cuz he wouldn't stop staring. There weren't very many female Marines there and the one other one I knew was going to be kicked out that day cuz she had done everything wrong and against protocol. Yeah...so...there's my dream...super weird. I don't know where some of that stuff comes from.