Wicked Awesome

This weekend did NOT disappoint. Wow. I don't even know where to begin. So I'll begin with a picture. Aren't we cute? I sort of felt glamorous and like I was wearing a gray paper bag at the same time. Still deciding how I feel about this skirt. But one thing is for sure: it's comfy.
I took the day off Friday and got word that my friend Lauren's husband would be delayed a few hours and would not arrive until around 1:30. So I got ready and headed to base to meet John for lunch because he was having a half day. We had a nice little picnic together and then headed back to Q-1's hanger to wait for the guys. I went crazy taking pictures of Lauren and other ladies waiting for them husband's after 6 1/2 months being away. I definitely know how that feels. Indescribable. The jets did two fly-overs and then landed and we got ready for the big rush forward. I didn't even really cry at my own deployment homecoming but I cried at this one because Lauren was so emotional and there was so much excitement in the air. Finally it was time and everyone hurried out into the amazing sunshine to find their men. On the way to finding Jon, I snapped as many couples as I could. Jon and Lauren's reunion was SO touching and amazing. The pictures turned out great and make me tear up every time I look at them. And the best part...she loved them. The whole thing was just so emotional but in the best way. One thing that always amazes me about deployment homecomings is the endless photo opportunities. Just when you think it's all "over" and it's time to go home, you turn around and see another MOMENT that needs to be captured. And to top it off, the day was just so unbelievably beautiful. Pretty soon it was time to head back to the hanger but I didn't go without whipping around for a few more shots of couples. Love ya, Lauren. You're a nut. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what relief looks like. After the homecoming was finished, we hit the road, got home, changed, and drove to Raleigh. We ate at a Lebanese Restaurant called Sitti that was amazing. After making it to our hotel, we changed in lightning speed because we were running late and then hell broke loose...I had no address for the theatre where Wicked was playing...and it wasn't coming up on the GPS. Finally I whipped out my phone and found it and we drove there like maniacs. We ALMOST got shut out of the auditorium but somehow made it in time. The intro music started and I burst into tears. I burst into tears again when Elphaba, the main character, started singing for the first time. What can I say...I'm emotional when it comes to the theatre. Especially something I've wanted to see SO badly for so long. In a word? It was awesome. It was better than awesome. The best show I've ever been to. I finally pulled myself together because I was having trouble seeing the stage through my tears. It was that good. I won't give any spoilers or ruin the story for anyone. I'll just say...you've got to see it. Especially if you're a Wizard of Oz fan. So so so so so so so good. I would see it again tomorrow if I could. After the show, we looked at the gift shop just for the heck of it and then we both saw it at once: a Wicked charm. John got it for me to remember the night by. I couldn't be more giddy.
Saturday took us to the Farmer's Market in Raleigh where we enjoyed nuts, flowers, and strawberries and adopted ourselves a little mint plant and a little lavender plant. Afterward, we headed back to New Bern and dropped by Karl and Katrina's for a BBQ they were having.
Sunday we did spring cleaning and let me just tell you...spring cleaning (or any cleaning) is so much better when someone is there to help. We vacuumed the entire house and cleaned the bathrooms and my life feels so much less dirty because of it.
Monday definitely came too quickly...but after such an amazing weekend...it's okay.


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