Leap Year Child Blog
Two years ago exactly tomorrow...I started this blog. And by tomorrow, I don't mean March 1st. I made the discovery a few weeks ago that my blog is indeed a leap year child. Created on February 29th, 2008, I honestly had no idea how long I would stick with this blog when I began since I had never had a real blog before (besides the lame-o blog that myspace offers...although it can't be entirely lame-o as it got me started on blogging in the first place...) but I must say, I am pleased. I don't often stick with things for a long time...and if I do, they are a big deal. This blog is a very big deal to me. It is my life, my thoughts, my beliefs, my rants, my raves, my loves, my obsessions, my annoyances, my creations, everything. And I am proud to see this little space on the net of mine turn 2. I began it knowing that only one other person would be reading it for SURE besides myself: my boyfriend now husband. I am ecstatic to say he is still a faithful reader (even from Iraq when he had a chance) and I have a few more readers besides. Which is flattering and exciting. So, here's to you little blog. I look forward to the day you REALLY turn 2...in 2012. ♥