Viva La Robolution

I must begin by saying that I have been a robot junkie lately. I have been cranking out my little robot guys for my Etsy Shop like there is no tomorrow and it is ever so exciting for me. Click here to go see what all I've made! You may notice a wee communist inspired robot.
The above image was created by the ever-talented Jack Fallows of Crumpettimecomics. My communist robot and this image were a collaboration between the two of us in celebration of how well robots and communist propaganda go together. Don't you agree? It was JUST finished, fresh off the press, and it is NOW ALL MINE! MWAHAHA!! Ehem. I am very excited. I just put in my order for my very own print/poster of this image. I cannot wait for it to grace the walls of my studio...or guestroom...or somewhere...somewhere awesome of course. Hopefully we will work together some more and continue to make robot inspired masterpieces of doom...but all I know is this particular piece has me stoked.


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