Dream Drama

I dreamt it was time to make another military move and somehow me and John ended up in the same town as our friends Stacey and Mike and their kids. Stacey and I went out to look at houses and in the process got in a huge fight and she was so pissed at me and I was so sad. She was telling me I needed to change my attitude and I was being perfectly normal so I had no idea what she was talking about. I was soooo sad. Thankfully it was just a dream. What is this dream trying to tell me? That my dreams often include real friends and people but with alternate personalities. And I subconsciously want a pool. Every house we looked at had a pool. Oh and at one house there was a note on the bathroom counter with a pair of keys. The note said "Merry Christmas Honey!" and it was a new car for someone's kid who was coming home from college for Christmas. Completely random. What is THAT telling me, hmm? Yeah. I yet again conclude: Dreams normally do not have any in depth meaning or revelation about my life. If that's the case then I'll prepare myself for a cat fight with Stacey.
Note: Off work today...about to leave to meet John for lunchypoo (I know gag at our sappiness) and then I'm taking pictures of Lauren's husband Jon's deployment homecoming! And then off to Durham!! For WICKED!!! Could this day get any cooler?????


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