Derby Teller

I dreamt I was trying out for a roller derby league. Each person had a pro roller derby girl to help them as they trained and tried out different maneuvers. I was supposed to do one called the "whip." Shortly before they chose people, I found out my uncle had died (I think I've been thinking about my story a little too much before going to bed) and I had to go back home for the funeral so I missed the final tryouts. I also worked at a bank again and left ALL of my drawers unlocked and opened. Not good. A reoccurring nightmare for any teller or bank employee. glad that section of my life is over. Although I must say I had a great time with the people I worked with. There is never a dull moment when I get back together with some of those girls. The things (and people) we encountered there were at times completely unbelievable.
So what is this dream telling me? That I skate a lot better in my dreams than in real life...and my time at the bank will always haunt me. And thinking about my book before sleeping isn't always the best idea.


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