It all comes down to noodles...again.

My weekend was both horrible and great at the same time. I'll concentrate on the great.
I had a good time hanging out with the ladies of our squadron on Friday. Many of them will be moving after this so it was a nice get-together before we have to say goodbye. After dinner, I ended up going to Monique's later that night. Then all of Saturday me and Monique hung out and explored a few areas of NC we hadn't been to yet. We went to Washington, the first town to be named after George Washington. We also went to Bathe, the oldest town in NC. We busted out the cameras and had a great time just playing around with them and taking pictures and experimenting. It's something I've been wanting to do for awhile and it was great. But the day was HOT! Summer seems to already be here or at least has its foot in the door. I'm still learning so much about my camera which is both encouraging and a little frustrating. But I think that's the nature of photography.
Highlights of Sunday: Church, an entire POUND of shrimp (I love shrimp), an emotional breakdown in the arms of my lover (as much as they suck, sometimes you just NEED a good cry...and I needed one BADLY...), making homemade ramen (I mostly just made up the recipe and based the broth on the memory of reading a recipe a few weeks ago...but it turned out great and soothed my pain...noodles have that power). I am finding more and more that I love to cook. I can be creative in the kitchen and I love fresh veggies and preparing ingredients to be cooked. Going through a good produce aisle has become similar to shoe shopping; I want everything and I'd gladly spend as much on beautiful produce that I would on beautiful shoes. There's just something lovely about the colors, the greens and reds and freshness. I love to experiment and find new things. I made bomb green beans on Thursday and John is still raving about them. I'm so happy I've come to a point where I'm not as self conscious and unsure in the kitchen. I know there are things that only I know how to make because of my upbringing. I know there are things that only I would try while cooking for that same reason. I love that. And I love noodles. They bring such comfort. Now I'm hungry.