Down with Debt

It's one of those days where my alarm went off and I picked up my phone to turn it off because it OBVIOUSLY was set for too early and I MUST have at least another hour of sleeping to do. But of course, I was wrong, it was right and it was time to get up. Ugh. On the bright side, some things I ordered online arrived this morning. But that's it. No really. That's IT. No more buying crap. I have a plan to contribute 1500 per month to debt. It's a hefty goal but I believe I can do it and I want to help more with getting us out of debt. It'll go quickly and then we can concentrate on using our money on things that matter and goals for the future. I've had great inspiration this week to write after a week or so of discouragement. Not discouragement in not being able to write. I just didn't put any effort into it and let my doubts get to me. But...I was very encouraged yesterday as I shared some of my book with a friend and she encouraged me. I'm very flattered and newly motivated to keep plugging away. Now if only I didn't need to sleep I could work for 8 hours and spend the rest of my day/night writing!


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