Snaggletooth Road

Yesterday I went to the dentist for the first time in 6 years. YES. SIX YEARS. I know. Totally a slap-on-hand moment. But it's true. I was a little nervous because...well...6 years is a long time. And I secretly worried all my teeth had rotted out without me knowing...somehow. But everything turned out fine and I have zero cavities. Zero!! THANK YOU family genes!! I was told my teeth were pretty boring (YES for boring) because there was really nothing to report. Today I go in for my cleaning. Which...for some reason...I am very excited about.
Wait scratch that. Just got word I have to reschedule. So in a few weeks I get to get my cleaning. Which I'm still very excited about. Clean teeth. Yay!
I currently have all of my wisdom teeth and one has come in and is exposed. I've been told I need to get them out before I turn 35. So I guess I have some time, huh? Putting this off? Just a little bit. Heh...but my dentist yesterday said that I may not have to get them out at all. It depends. She said I should go to the orthodontist to see what he says. So...that is the plan. And who knows...I just might get braces or something because my teeth are heading down the snaggletooth road. Never a good part of town.


Amina said…
Hey LiQi,

I just stumbled on your blog :) Congrats on all your teeth being clean! I'm sooo worried, myself, that all my teeth have rotted out. I haven't been to the dentist in 2 years :( I keep saying that I'll go next week, but secretly I'm so afraid of going that I don't know when I'm going to go...LOL.


Why, thank you! Yeah I've put off the dentist this long for that very reason. But I'm TRYING to be more responsible with my overall health. A fresh start I guess. As they say at Nike, Just Do It!

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