Kittens on the Brain

We made progress today. John and I went out and bought (Wait...John and I? I can just hear that in a crackily little old voice...did I actually say that? Do I ever actually say that?) and John went out and bought furniture today. Much needed furniture. And then some things that would just be nice that I didn't expect to get until later down the road. Like a dining room table set (we were just going to stick with our wee little kitten...I mean kitchen...table...I prove my point about previous comment regarding kittens on the brain) and a china cabinet. The china cabinet leans more into the "need" department the more I unpack...and find more glasses. No joke. Thankfully most of them have been NORMAL glasses and not brewery glasses. (P.S. I really do like his brewery glasses. FYI.)
Today my goal is to remove the broken furniture from our livingroom along with as much cardboard and garbage from this house as humanly (or unhumanly) possible. I've lost count of boxes and bags. There's just too much and it once go. We also are going to get shades for our windows and disappoint our neighbors by making our lives private once more. Bummer. I'm very excited about this. Every time I start dancing I glance out the window and wonder what they're thinking (Yes, I dance at random intervals throughout the day).
We got word from a contact that a 5 week old kitten was abandoned at the local animal shelter. It (not sure if it's a boy or girl) and its sibling were very sick and the sibling eventually died. :( The lady who contacted me asked if we would be interested. So as soon as we hear a little more info about it, we will hopefully get to go over and see the baby. I'm jumping up and down in excitement. :D
More to come...keep patient...