Boo Boo
So it happened. My fears were confirmed. I lost my toe nail. I know, I know...I should have warned you all before I delved into gross content. I apologize. Over a month and a half ago I smashed my toe into a bed frame and it INSTANTLY turned dark purple, toenail and all. The day it happened, I thought I had broken my toe but within a few days it felt fine. But the color never changed. A few weeks passed and the color still didn't fade or change so I painted my nails. Here it is however long later...and my toe is still black/purple. The other day I was trimming my nails and my black pinky toenail kept getting shorter...and shorter...until poof! no more toe nail. It fell off!! I know!! Gross!! I was pretty freaked out...but it appears it completely healed. Underneath. John assures me it will grow back. If it doesn't...he'll have me to deal with. Heh...kidding. But I do hope it does. :(
Today was my first day back to work after Memorial Day weekend. John didn't have to work so he was out and about most of the day. Our Memorial Day weekend was great. His mom and stepdad came to visit from Saturday until yesterday morning and our time consisted of good eats and hard laughs...both of which should be enjoyed by all on a regular basis. John came home in the evening with prizes: a giant book of comic goodness called the Marvel Vault...and two potted lilies. How did I find such a wonderful man again?
Today was my first day back to work after Memorial Day weekend. John didn't have to work so he was out and about most of the day. Our Memorial Day weekend was great. His mom and stepdad came to visit from Saturday until yesterday morning and our time consisted of good eats and hard laughs...both of which should be enjoyed by all on a regular basis. John came home in the evening with prizes: a giant book of comic goodness called the Marvel Vault...and two potted lilies. How did I find such a wonderful man again?