Cup Intervention

It started as a collection...but I fear it is becoming an obsession. John collects brewery glasses. He buys one at almost every brewery he goes to. Until yesterday, I was unaware just how many breweries John has visited. And then the bomb dropped. After filling a 5th cupboard with glasses while unpacking (1/2 of one for normal glassware, 1 for mugs and ALL the rest...entirely brewery glasses), I realized we had a problem on our hands. Minutes later I opened one of the many mover boxes that come up to above my waist. Pretty good sized box. It was chock-a-bok full of glasses. Not just a few. THE ENTIRE BOX was 98% BREWERY GLASSES. I don't know how to stress this enough to get my point across so I'll add the red, bold, and italics. I swear...for every normal glass I found in the muck of it, there were 6 brewery glasses looming over it. Needless to say, we have no room for any other dishes if this obsession continues. I called forth an intervention and John was willing to cooperate. Together we nixed at least a dozen cups and glasses...and ironically not one of them was a brewery glass. Hmmm...skeptical, skeptical. Well...unneeded glasses are unneeded glasses. Now if he gets any more (which I know we will), I'll just have to turn them into a giant glass sculpture or something.


robyn said…
That is so funny. Sounds like you need to build some shelves into a wall and cover a whole wall entirely with glasses. I can see it now, each cubbie hole big enough just to fit one glass each. Fortunately you're not in CA, so no worries with earthquakes.

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