I'm pleased to introduce George and JellyBean (Bean for short), our new boy and girl kittens. The picture says exactly as it suggests. Bean is a baby runt who's more reserved and George is in for the action, always getting into everyone's business. They are complete darlings and I love them to pieces. We weren't originally planning on getting a boy but we saw George and spent a few minutes with him and chose him thinking he was a girl. Once it was revealed that he WASN'T, we were already set. Bean wiggled herself into our hearts right away with her tininess and baby voice. And her hidden spunk. After we had chosen her, she escaped in the Animal Shelter and it took 4 people, myself included, to catch her. She's a little lighting on those little legs. George is a complete spaz and in a constant state of play. He stood out from his littermates because he was a darker tabby and he had the most fun in the group. Both are definitely lap kitties. But only when they are finished running around.