Hagnesta Hill

This is one of my favorite albums of all time. I was taking one (okay several) of those pointless "Pick your favorite 5" quiz things on facebook and one of them was my favorite music albums of all time. The first one that came to mind? Hagnesta Hill by Kent. I'm not really sure how it turned out this way but my two favorite artists are both Swedish and not very well known (much more well known in Europe, no doubt). I think an old Swedish classmate from 7th/8th/9th grade had to do with it. I am forever grateful.
There is something about this particular album though. I swear, every time I listen I hear something I never heard before. And I love that about music. Only a few albums are like that. And this is one of them. So look on in awe.
I have been getting into Pandora lately. It's a web-based radio station where you can look up a song or artist and it will compile a custom radio station around that style of music. Freaking awesome. I'm really digging it. It's nice to not have to think about what I want to listen to next (which is what I was trying to do) while I'm working. And know that somehow it will know what I like. And if it's something I don't like, I just click the thumbs down button and it moves on to something new and avoids that song. Cool.
I have been hearing from several people (including my Mom. Can't ignore my Mom's advice...ever...wise woman) that the book "The Shack" is amazing. I was totally planning to buy it yesterday but got caught up in choosing bathroom accessories and then ended up not buying anything at all because I couldn't remember what my tile in my bathroom looked like...I like things to match. :) So I went to the house and the carpet is DOOOOOOONE! It looks great. It's a lot darker than I remember. More of a light brown than a tan. But I like it. It is growing on me. And it's going to look great with everything. But back to the point. "The Shack." I need to go out and get that book. I seem to have been plowing through books since John left. I am wondering if this is a window into the future of how it will be while he is away on deployment: lots and lots of reading. I'm not opposed to that idea. So far I have finished reading 3 books and am working on #4. #4 will take me longer than the rest because it's heavy content. "Flags of Our Fathers." Yep, still plowing away through it. It's a slow plow though. But I'm loving it. What oh what did we do before books? What oh what did I do before I liked to read? I don't honestly know. No wait. Yes I do. I drew.


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