SOLD to the lady in the fur coat...

So we went to the auction. Yes. That is the sentence I decided to begin this blog post with so you kind of already get the idea that I'm not entirely thrilled with the outcome. However, I will say that I did have a good time just the same.
The auction was split up into live auction items and silent auction items. The silent auction was in the main lobby area of the building and then the bar area was where the live auction took place (because drinking always ensures more money is spent). We got some wine, mingled around and looked at the items. My painting had been put in a sort of "package" meant for little girls. Which is where it all went wrong I think. Because by forcing it toward a certain age group, you prevent anyone from picturing it in any other room than their little girls', losing half of the possible interested buyers. So...I was a tad bummed about that but whatevs. How it was displayed and paired was not my business.
I bid on a few of the silent auction items but didn't win anything. The live auction was just a lot of fun to watch. People totally battled it out and the wine/booze kept flowing so people got more rowdy as the night went on which made it all the more entertaining. Finally it was time for my item. The whole package went for $115 and although I wished it had gone for more, it went to one of the girls in my squadron who was organizing getting items for the auction and she had really liked it so I'm happy she won. :) The rest of the live auction items started pretty high so I didn't actually end up bidding on anything. I would think "ohhh yeah I wanna bid on that!" and then they'd announce the starting bid and I'd glue my hand to the table.
One huge plus of the evening is Pretty Much LiQi Designs was featured in print for the very first time ever. I had no idea they were listing all the businesses including ME so that was a little glee moment.
The rest of my weekend was good. Friday on a whole was a low day though. The lowest point occurred while I was happily reading my Harry Potter book on the couch minding my own business when my phone's alert light shone solid which has never happened before. I pressed a button to see what was happening. Nothing. I pushed the power button and held it. Nothing. The solid light changed to a series of 4 flashes and a pause which continued for the next 24 hours before going completely blank. My blackberry is officially dead after it's short 1 month life. Yeah. I'm a little miffed. In fact, this little catastrophe sent me hurling into a emotional break down that was thankfully short-lived. Some Fridays, you can only handle so many things...
I called in and a replacement should be arriving today. We were told sometimes this happens and it's just a bad phone...hmmmm....Part of me is thinking...why am I getting the same phone again? But I will give it a second chance. If anything of this nature happens again, I am officially retiring from Blackberries. I don't know what it is but this year's luck with phones doesn't look pretty...


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