Harry Pothead

I went to bed and was greeted this morning with alarmingly blood-shot eyes. I wore my contacts for the first time in about a week yesterday (after giving them a break when they er...gave me blood-shot eyes...go figure) and let's just say it didn't go so well. I ignored the dryness most of the day, adding drops liberally. But when I got off work and looked in the mirror to see the whites of my eyes now matched my pink eye-shadow (except growing ever darker), I decided something was wrong. I'm not entirely sure WHAT is wrong. But something is. And I'm annoyed. Too much reading 'Harry Pothead' as John says. Even though he DOES secretly like Harry Potter movies.
So now...my eyes are a mess, my acne is a mess, I have endless tiny cuts on my hands (from kitties that needed a trim) that never seem to heal, the side of my lip split, and I've been haunted and harassed by headaches all weekend and the past few days. Yeah. Annoying. Man, I could use a vacation. Wait, scratch that. I was just on one. How do they go by so quickly? To top it all with sugar and a cherry, I'm slowly getting sick. My throat's been killing me that past two days and I've also been nauseous. So it's been an interesting beginning of the week. To say the least. If by interesting, I really mean slightly miserable.
But you know what? I'm still happy. My husband is AWESOME and I can't help but smile whenever he comes home every day...even when it's late and we're both super tired. It's just so nice to have him close to me. And not continents away.
I'm over half way through the 2nd to last book in the Harry Potter series. Yes. Be impressed. I sure am. Considering I started it last week. People are already shouting out series to start once I'm finished but I'm not ready to give up Harry Potter yet. Gotta get to the end before I can start thinking about a replacement. I have several books that NEED to be read before I start any series. So...gotta hold off for a bit. I can't go buying books I'm not going to read. Shame shame shame.
Well here's hoping my eyes shape up. Soon. Like now. Thank you.


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