This Little Piggy...

As far as I can remember (and mind you that isn't very far), I haven't mentioned my toe incident. It happened last Saturday. We were in our previous hotel and John's dad was staying for the weekend on a cot. I was heading over to turn off the AC in the morning and the blinds were still closed so it was pretty dark in the room. On the way, I RAMMED my right pinky toe one of the wheels attached to a very inconvenient and unexpected region of the cot frame. Oy Vey. After uncrumpling myself from a little ball of pain and whimperingness, I checked out my toe and it was light purple. Remember, my toenails are painted light pink, not purple. Sure doubt about it...the nail was purple and the rest of the toe was bright red and swollen. I limped the rest of the day because my flipping shoes would rub against it which hurt like heck. By Monday, I felt a lot better. But it has gradually gotten darker and darker and appears to have bled entirely under the nail. I am just WAITING for it to pop off. SICK. Makes me cringe at the thought. I hope it doesn't...but I find myself wondering when it will ever look normal again. On the bright side, I don't think it's broken. I've broken my left pinky toe before and it's one of those breaks that doctors don't usually fix because there's not much they can do. It's a tiny bone, a tiny toe and you constantly use it when you walk (which I definitely felt the day I jammed this one). My left pinky toe is still broken and always will be.


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